How to start the Automatic time tracking?

Automatic tracking enables and ensures all the DeskTime features of your subscription plan. 


To start the tracking process follow these steps:

1.   DOWNLOAD the correct desktop application version for your operating system

2.   Follow the instructions to INSTALL the application on the computer.

3.   LOG IN and the application will start tracking automatically.

To keep the login automatically, make sure you have marked the option to start the app with the computer. You will find more information on how to do that for each operating system here.


The automatic tracking will record the time spent and the name of the used:

  • Applications
  • URLs
  • Document titles


Also, it will allow all the features such as Private time, Break reminders or our "Pomodoro timer", and Screenshots, and will allow adjusting the productivity level of each app and URL to calculate more precise productivity percentage and effectiveness. 

The desktop app will also register the Idle time while not actively using the computer or being away from it, which can later be changed by adding manually the offline time