DeskTime blog

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How to react if you find out that your employee is looking for another job

What to do when you find out your employee is looking for another job? Is there anything you can do? Let’s dive in!

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Zane Franke 30.11.2022

A guide to creating a project timeline

A project timeline is just like a road map that helps you reach your destination and get from point A to point B. But how to create one? Find out in this article.

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Zane Franke 29.11.2022
Black Friday deals

Best Black Friday deals for a small business – 2022 edition

Marking the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season, Black Friday is one of the best times of the year to hunt for budget-friendly buys.

In celebration of this shopping spree, we’ve assembled the ultimate list of best Black Friday deals for a small business.

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Aiva Strelca 23.11.2022

How to deal with productivity dysmorphia

Productivity dysmorphia is a condition characterized by an unhealthy attitude toward productivity. It can involve thinking that one is never doing enough (despite contrary evidence), having unfounded fears about being confronted about one’s performance, constantly comparing one’s productivity to that of others – or simply trying to do too much all at once.

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Rudolfs Millins 15.11.2022
A person on career crossrodads

Outdated career advice that is no longer relevant

Today’s work environment is radically different from what it was even a mere five years ago, thanks to Covid. Being old-fashioned has its charms, but it probably won’t do you any favors in today’s job market. To help you, we have collated a list of career advice tips that most likely no longer hold true.

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Rudolfs Millins 7.11.2022

11 of the scariest things a boss can say that are guaranteed to leave you shaking

Here are some of the most terrifying things a boss can say that’s actually going to leave you quaking in your boots. The good news is you don’t have to be helpless – here’s what you can do.

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Julia Gifford 31.10.2022

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what is expert power

What is expert power, and how to develop it

We’re here to talk about what is expert power, what it takes to gain it and why that’s important, as well as walk you through some steps on how to develop it.

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Zane Franke 28.10.2022
what is a manifestation

What is a manifestation, and does it work?

Before hiring a sensei to help you transform your life, let’s explore what a manifestation is, what manifesting can look like, and whether it works or not.

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Aiva Strelca 26.10.2022
Employee benefits

How to attract new employees using employee benefits

When employees are making decisions about job opportunities, competitive employee benefit plans are always an important factor in the decision.

How can you, as an employer, use this information to attract top-tier talent? Read this article, and you’ll find out!

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Guest Author 24.10.2022
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