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Person with a face mask

How to help your employees with pandemic fatigue in a hybrid workplace

Managing a hybrid workforce that is also dealing with pandemic fatigue can be challenging for sure. Here are five ways you can support your team during this time of flux without them sacrificing their productivity.

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Guest Author 20.05.2021
Microsoft Teams icon

How to Use Microsoft Teams and Its Best Features Like a Pro

If your team is looking for an effective way to communicate in a remote setting, this thorough guide on how to use Microsoft Teams to benefit your business is exactly the content you need.

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Aiva Strelca 15.04.2021
Finding out what is a virtual assistant

What Is A Virtual Assistant? + Tips for Virtual Assistant Training

Do you know what is a virtual assistant? To spare you a lengthy Googling session about the topic – here’s everything you need to know about virtual assistants, what tasks you can delegate to them and how to integrate one into your team.

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Guest Author 9.04.2021

Office workers don’t want to return to “normal”

Only one-fifth of surveyed individuals want to return to office-based working once social distancing restrictions end. Most employees would prefer a hybrid model combining both remote and office-based work.

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Julia Gifford 13.08.2020

How to deal with the “big brother” feeling in the office?

Feeling uncomfortable with time-tracking software on your computer? Here are tips that will help you to deal with that anxious feeling.

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Krista Krumina 30.03.2020

Hygge – what is it & how can it boost productivity at work?

It’s during days like these when we fall victim to laziness. But – is there any way to make the latter part of the year more bearable? Do Danes have the answer?

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Guest Author 14.10.2019

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technology harms workplace productivity

When technology actually inhibits workplace productivity

Isn’t it interesting that if you examine the habits of highly successful people, many of them tend to overlap? Whether it’s waking…

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Krista Krumina 4.09.2019

Rules of workplace cell phone etiquette

Cell phones have become a staple in today’s connected world for good reasons — they offer both convenience and peace of mind….

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Krista Krumina 16.04.2019

How white noise affects productivity

I’ve never been a fan of noises in the workplace. I’m a writer, and for me, the perfect working environment is dead silence. While some people might find it isolating, I find that it brings out my most productive self.

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Aiva Strelca 18.03.2019
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