20 Minutes, 3 Steps, Higher Productivity

Believe it or not, there are three easy steps you can do at the end of your workday to make yourself more productive. All it takes is to take 20 minutes to prepare. Here’s what you’ll do!
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1) Arrange for the next day
Place everything you need for the next place in the place you’ll need it. Things like pulling out the files you know you’ll have to work with, putting the things you won’t need farther away from yourself, and things you will need, closer.
2) Clean your desk
Start the day off with a clean slate. The less knick-knacks, memos, old bills, and stacks of paper will only serve as another possible distraction. Get rid of it. Or put it all in a box until you can deal with it – whatever works for you.
3) Write down the top 3 things that are a priority for you for the following day
And start off right away with those! Don’t even open your email, because we know what a bottomless pit of time-sucking that can be. The feeling of knocking-off a must-do priority item off your to-do list at the very beginning of the day will make sure that not only have you actually done something of value today, but the feeling of getting things done will be so exhilarating that you’ll gladly fling yourself into the next assignment.
Hit the ground running!
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