Time management for your startup – an essential tool to optimize and improve your business

Have you ever wondered if it's worth investing in time management for your startup as a way to boost your business growth and profitability? It's no secret that running a startup is challenging. It's often accompanied by constant uncertainty, limited budget, and scarce resources. And that's exactly why choosing a time tracking tool for startups like DeskTime can take a lot of that pressure off your shoulders.

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How DeskTime can help with startup time management:

Optimization is key

Optimization is key

Startups have limited resources when it comes to staff so it's particularly important to optimize every part of your business. That means making sure everyone is doing their job and being smart about it. By breaking down all the tracked data and creating a time usage summary report, DeskTime lets you gain valuable insights into your teams’ habits and productivity and improve time management skills.

Since DeskTime automatically tracks time in the background there's no need to clock in and out every time you leave the keyboard. Combined with shift and absence scheduling, budgeting, and project management that significantly eases such integral business needs as accounting and staff planning, the DeskTime productivity app is exactly the optimization tool your startup needs.

It keeps your team accountable

It keeps your team accountable

Team collaboration, accountability, and project progress assessment are must-haves for any business, but especially for startups. By maintaining an organized workflow and giving your team transparent project progress oversight it's easier to set your objectives and stick to them.

A time management tool for your startup lets everyone always see what others are working on and how far they've gotten, so you don't have to spend precious time collecting progress reports and interrupting your team members' workflow. It's also a way to estimate projects more accurately and budget labor costs accordingly.

A way to stop overworking and avoid burnout

A way to stop overworking and avoid burnout

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by continuous and excessive stress. When it comes to time management for your startup, it's essential to understand that only physically and mentally well-rested people can thrive in a high-stress environment. DeskTime has a built-in feature Pomodoro timer that allows users to set break reminders every 52, 60, or 90 minutes.

There's also a Private time option, which provides employees with desktop privacy during working hours if necessary. Using a startup productivity app helps to not only keep tabs on the time team members spend working but also gives insight into their naturally more productive and unproductive periods. By letting each employee structure their workday and adjust their daily workflow and practices to match their lifestyle, it's a lot easier to build better work habits and stay the course.

DeskTime is the best productivity app for your startup. Here's why:

  • DeskTime simplifies everything necessary for efficient workflow, from time and team management to cost calculations, billing, scheduling, and custom reports.

  • The automated time tracking app works quietly in the background and integrates with 3rd party tools that let you track projects, manage tasks and oversee their progress without unnecessary distractions.

  • The calendars let managers make sure everyone gets the same amount of hours and avoid overstaffing and understaffing, which can both increase company costs and decrease employee satisfaction.

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Here's what you need to know about time management for your startup

Implementing a reliable time management tool for your startup can go a long way in terms of team accountability and work transparency. Startup life requires flexibility, and with DeskTime time tracking for startups you can work from anywhere and still stay accountable.
DeskTime tracks hours spent not only by the computer but also in meetings and brainstorm sessions, including commonly overlooked billable time like out-of-hours problem solving or consulting. Your employees can work from anywhere, and you don't have to worry about tracking their work hours – DeskTime's desktop and mobile apps will do it all for you.
Yes, DeskTime offers a helping hand with features such as Project tracking and Cost calculation. Such task management tools allow you to organize, plan and prioritize tasks to complete them efficiently within the desired time frame. This lets you acknowledge how much each job you take on costs your company not only moneywise but in resources and manpower as well. No details are left behind or misrepresented – you can set hourly rates for each project, and DeskTime will automatically calculate the billable amount and let you generate automatic invoices, so you can get back to actual productive work.
Time is one of the most valuable assets in the startup culture. Reducing your operating costs, and increasing revenue in as little time as possible is crucial for survival. Time tracking software that runs in the background lets you automate functions that otherwise take time out of your busy schedule – be it clocking in and out or filling out endless spreadsheets and reports for proof-of-work.
Yes. Time tracking for startups provides you with knowledge and gives you insights into the total time spent on each project and task. By analyzing your team's overall levels of productivity, you can estimate your future capacity for similar projects and profit generation. You will also be able to know where to cut expenses or outsource jobs if necessary.