5 DeskTime updates you can’t miss

We’re coming to you with a very special announcement. Did you think we went into hibernation over the winter? You better think again. We’ve been working hard to bring you new, exciting product updates to make your experience with DeskTime as smooth as possible.
In this article, we’ll give a little rundown of all the things we’ve improved, and, as a special treat, we’ll let you in on a few secrets about some DeskTime updates we have planned in the coming months.
What’s new at DeskTime?
Your DeskTime application is about to become more precise, transparent, and, well, just flat-out better. Let’s get into it.

Calendar integration update
If you’re a veteran DeskTime user, you’ll know how annoying it is when out-of-office (OOO) time is automatically imported as productive time in your DeskTime desktop app. We fixed that.
From now on, OOO events from our calendar integrations like Google Calendar or Outlook won’t import as productive time, meaning you won’t have to go back and manually correct your tracked data.
Haven’t integrated your calendar with DeskTime yet? Take a look at this step-by-step guide on how to connect your calendar with DeskTime.
Work schedule usability improvements
Using DeskTime should be the easiest thing in the world. That’s why we’re working to remove unnecessary, confusing tabs and boxes.
On that note, we’ve cleaned up the Work Schedules section. Employees won’t see the “All members” tab (which didn’t really show all team members—go figure!) and will instead see a more intuitive interface.
Additionally, you’ll now be able to see all team members in your work schedule, even if they haven’t submitted their shifts yet.
Improved screenshots for Linux
You ask, we deliver. For a while now we’ve received requests from users to introduce Screenshots for Linux Ubuntu 22.04 using the Wayland windowing system. Up until now, our app didn’t support the Screenshot feature for Linux Ubuntu 22.04, but those days are over.
Learn more about our time tracking screenshots.
Email productivity reports
Up until now, reports used to be available only to Company owners and Admins. But that’s not terribly democratic, is it? From now on, User managers and User admins can receive their team’s productivity reports in their emails, just like Company owners and Company admins.
Want to receive productivity reports in your email but need help setting them up? Don’t worry—here’s a quick guide on how to set up email reports.
Usability improvements for MacOS
Good news, Apple fans. We’ve improved the project search functionality for MacOS users, which means that from now on, you won’t have to spend an eternity looking for your projects.
Before, the search feature only worked if you input the exact, precise name of the project. Now, you can search just by a phrase, and DeskTime will do the rest.
What’s coming next?
That’s not all, folks. We’ve got a few more improvements in the works, and here’s a brief sneak peek.
- Billing updates: Our team is laser-focused on reworking DeskTime’s billing experience, making it a much smoother and easier process. Plus, we have some good news for our Indian customers—we’re working on a solution that’ll streamline automatic transactions in the Indian market.
- Screenshots: Our Screenshots feature is getting a makeover! We’ll improve the overall usability, making it easier for you to identify any unusual activity.
- System updates: We’re working on improving our in-system feedback on user activity. What does this mean in normal-people speak? You’ll be able to get notified about certain employee behaviors in real time and react if necessary.

Give us your two cents!
We mean that figuratively, of course. Do you have an idea for a DeskTime feature you’d like to see? We’re all ears—here’s how you can let us know what you have in mind.
- Submit an idea: You can easily submit your ideas or upvote ideas submitted by other users in our Feature requests hub. You can also take a look at all the requested features we’ve already implemented (this is a hint that, yes—we do actually listen to your suggestions).
- Send us a message on social media: You can also keep up with all our news on Facebook and LinkedIn. If you have any ideas or suggestions for features, feel free to leave us a comment or send us a message.
That’s all from us—have a great, productive week!
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