6 Productivity Hacks Backed by Science

Productivity is the key ingredient to making the most of your time when studying or working. If you’re tired of long hours in front of your computer or you feel you might not be maximizing your potential, this infographic can point you in the right direction and help you improve your productivity by applying a few small changes in your daily life. Ready to learn the secret of getting and staying productive at work or school? Prepare for some science-based pointers that actually work.
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This practical infographic presents six interesting ways to enhance your productivity – all of which are based on recent findings from a number of ground-breaking psychological, cognitive and neurobiological research studies. If you’re wondering how to organize your activities in order to stay productive all the time, here’s a little clue – you need to understand your performance ratio and take regular breaks, since they’re essential to keeping your focus. As a matter of fact, this technique has been practiced for years by world-class violinists – it’s simple, but incredibly effective.
You’ll also see that music was found to be extremely important for every day productivity – by keeping us in a good mood, music ultimately prevents us from making the bad decisions that usually result from stress. And if that doesn’t work for you, there’s never been a better excuse to keep cute little animals somewhere near – research shows that they help people to pay more attention when completing tasks that require careful handling.
As you’ll soon find out, it turns out that multitasking isn’t such a great idea for achieving more with less time. Instead, learn how to get the most from best technique for recharging your batteries during the day – napping, which in small doses can successfully reinvigorate your brain. Being fit and healthy is also an important point in maintaining a high level of productivity at work. That’s why exercising is key to keeping your productivity up and running! Read on for more tips on how to boost your potential for productivity in every aspect of your life.

Kelly Smith works at CourseFinder, an Australian online education resource. She also provides career advice for students and job seekers and works as a freelance writer.
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