Time tracking by industry: who benefits most?

Let’s take a look at time tracking by industry. It comes as no surprise that some industries are keener than others to adopt time tracking solutions. After all, a patrol guard is unlikely to extract the same high value from DeskTime as a software developer would.
In this article, we’ll give you an insight into the different sectors and industries using time tracking, and why it works so well for them. We surveyed our clients to get real insights from companies that have successfully implemented time tracking.
The top sectors using time tracking are High tech and Corporate, making up almost half of all use cases. In third place comes Arts, which includes all types of graphic design, photography, etc. Finance comes in fourth.
Here are the results from the DeskTime survey for a better look:

Let’s break it down one level and dive into industries. Here’s a top 7 list of users of time tracking by industry:

It comes as no surprise that the list is almost entirely comprised of industries where work is conducted in front of a computer. But, what is it about these industries that make them want to use time tracking and productivity tracking software, and what are they gaining from it?
1. Accurate billable hours – it saves times and money
What marketing, IT, web development, and web designers all have in common is that they often work on a “project” basis. A project is expected to take a certain amount of time, and that amount of time will determine either the employee salary or the total sum to be paid by the client.
Tracking time, therefore, becomes a very useful tool. Instead of working with rough estimations on how long it took to complete a project, you’re able to present an exact amount of time, which allows being paid exactly what you needed to be paid. No more underbilling.
On DeskTime it’s possible to use the “Projects” function to track the amount of time spent on a particular project. Multiple employees can use it, and the administrator will see the total time spent on a project. It’s the perfect solution for agency time tracking.
2. Real statistics on personal productivity
The industries that use time tracking for business successfully happen to be industries, where you’ll find the most technologically savvy people willing to apply digital solutions to their everyday lives. Programmers, IT specialists, marketers, and designers tend to be part of the group of people who are on top of the trends and aren’t afraid of trying the latest software out there.
This is why these industries are the first to say goodbye to outdated timesheets and embrace the better solution. People who are friendly with technology also tend to look to the tech for a solution to an everyday problem.
From how many steps you’ve walked to how many hours you’ve slept – today we crave data about everything. So why wouldn’t people want data on how they spend their time at the computer? This is one of the reasons that we’ve made sure that the DeskTime reports section provides as much information as possible.

Want your business to thrive?
Using time management software is a smart way to optimize business costs.
3. The perfect solution for remote work
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the switch to remote work. And with it came a need for new working transparency. Employees need solid workday boundaries so their work-life balance isn’t thrown into chaos. And employers need an unintrusive way to check-up on the work done. The solution? DeskTime.
Employees can see exactly how long they’ve worked in a day, which allows them to switch off their computers without any qualms about whether they’ve done enough. Similarly, employers can see where the team’s time goes, ensuring peace of mind regarding remote management.
Indeed, lots of industries are using DeskTime to stay on top after switching to remote work. Over 2020, DeskTime saw a 38% increase in new user registrations and an 80% growth in paid users when compared to 2019.
Final remarks
If we look at time tracking by industry, then one thing is clear – DeskTime is primarily used by those working at a computer for most of the day. It makes work transparent to the benefit of everyone involved.
Sure, knowing where your time goes is invaluable for accountability. But, it’s also an important first step for those looking to self-improve, to become more productive, and to take charge of their day.
Going forward, it’s unlikely we’ll see any seismic shifts in the top 10 list of industries. Then again, as more and more people come to the realization their work can be done remotely, perhaps we’ll have some new entrants soon?
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