DeskTime blog

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The 9-5 Workday is Making Everyone Miserable

Dr. Paul Kelley, an academic at the University of Oxford, believes the traditional 9-5 schedule is making everybody miserable and sleep-deprived. He…

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Aiva Strelca 3.11.2015

Daylight Savings is Over – What Does it Mean for Productivity?

Daylight savings is ending in many parts of the world and people are moving their clocks back an hour. While we may…

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Aiva Strelca 28.10.2015

Do Shorter Workdays Make Us More Productive?

Sweden thinks so, as several companies are experimenting with 6-hour workdays. They’re reporting greater profits, happier employees, and, perhaps surprisingly, more productivity….

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Aiva Strelca 6.10.2015

5 Healthy Snacks that Keep You Productive Throughout the Day

When hunger strikes at work, it’s easy to be tempted by the convenience and deliciousness of that donut sitting in the breakroom….

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Aiva Strelca 30.09.2015

5 Reasons Why CEOs Use Time Tracking for their Small Businesses and Why You Should, Too

Do you run a small business? How do you keep tabs on your employees? Many small businesses don’t have an HR department;…

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Aiva Strelca 1.09.2015
Workdays are getting longer

Workdays are getting longer? Study shows – it’s a myth

Everyone loves Fridays. The first five days after the weekend might the hardest, but Friday’s the day it’s about to get easier….

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Krista Krumina 26.05.2015

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Daylight saving time

Daylight saving time: Good or bad for your productivity?

When I was a student, I actually liked the clock shifting thing, known as daylight saving time (DST) or summer time. For…

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Krista Krumina 9.04.2015

Top time sucks of 2014 (and how to deal with them)

Every year thousands of hours are wasted at work. A study by found that according to 26% of employees surveyed, the…

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Krista Krumina 2.02.2015

NEW feature! Customized application groups that suit your employees’ specifics

It’s been a while since we added application groups. This function let you categorize all applications in groups, which made it easy…

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Krista Krumina 26.01.2015
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