DeskTime blog

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Parasite employee

What are parasite employees & how to deal with them?

Do you know what’s a parasite employee? What indicates your office may have one and how do you deal with such a worker?

So many questions, I know.

Read this blog post & find it all out.

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Aiva Strelca 19.09.2022
A person holding a laptop and a pile of papers

Why is project time management important + ways to improve it

Excellent project time management is one of the most crucial ingredients that ensure project success. Of course, there’s also precise project cost…

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Aiva Strelca 24.08.2022

What is sandbagging in business?

Have you heard of sandbagging? It’s a practice of intentionally lowering expectations to deliver a seemingly greater result.
Read this article to learn how sandbagging is manifested in the business world, why people adopt this practice, and how you can spot a sandbag.

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Aiva Strelca 22.07.2022
Gitlab tips and tricks

Easy-to-use beginner GitLab tips and tricks

Learning new hacks for the tools you use daily is always helpful – that’s why this time we’re diving into GitLab tips and tricks.

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Aiva Strelca 28.06.2022
Calendar illustration

Google Calendar tips and tricks to up your time management game

If you’re looking for a guide to Google Calendar tips and tricks, look no further.

This brief yet informative article explains how the tool can assist you in taking your time management game to the next level.

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Aiva Strelca 1.06.2022
difficult clients

How to deal with difficult clients who don’t respect your time

Ah, the pain of dealing with difficult clients. What can be more frustrating than that?

To help you, we’ve got a few tips listed in this article. Read and learn how to deal with problematic clients and how to prevent struggles from the get-go!

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Aiva Strelca 23.05.2022

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An illustration depicting a man with a magnifying glass

How to measure and improve your operational efficiency?

From a business perspective, being aware of your company’s operational efficiency ratio and tendencies can be a real game-changer for growth.

So, how do you measure operational efficiency and what can be done to improve it?

Read the article – we’ve got these and more questions answered.

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Aiva Strelca 28.04.2022
workforce management software

Best practices for picking workforce management software

In this article, we’ll talk about best practices for workforce management and what tools you can use to manage your workforce. 

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Aiva Strelca 25.04.2022
how to protect your time

How to protect your time from the office time goblin?

In this post, we will talk about the types of employees that make everyone unproductive and give you some tips on how to protect your time.

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Aiva Strelca 19.04.2022
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