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desktime projects feature

How to use the DeskTime “Projects” feature to manage your projects and calculate their costs

Great project managers do two things very well: First, they know their projects inside out – which people are involved, at what…

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Krista Krumina 22.02.2023
How to prepare for meetings banner

How to prepare for meetings so they’re not pointless

How to prepare for meetings so that they’re not a waste of time? After all, meetings are an integral part of our…

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Viesturs Abelis 13.02.2023
Team collaboration

How to foster team collaboration in 2023

If one of your new year’s resolutions is to foster team collaboration within your organization, look no further.

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Zane Franke 30.01.2023

5 tips for efficient resource planning in your organization

Resource planning helps to utilize resources in the most efficient way to achieve the best results. We’ve got some tips on how to get it done – check them out!

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Zane Franke 27.01.2023

13 tactics to optimize business costs and save big bucks in 2023

Here are 13 strategies on business cost optimization to implement today and save thousands of dollars tomorrow.

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Krista Krumina 5.01.2023
project management tool illustration

Best project management tools for teams and freelancers

Navigating the universe of various project management tools can be a bit of a challenge. Lucky for you – this article will give you the needed insight for making your decision and provide a list of best project management tools for teams and freelancers in 2023.

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Aiva Strelca 3.01.2023

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Productivity tools

The great list of 25+ productivity tools to try in 2023

If you’re looking for the best productivity tools in one place, you’ve just hit the jackpot. We did the research, so you…

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Krista Krumina 2.01.2023

What is transparent leadership in an organization, and how to ensure it?

In order to create a well-functioning workplace, you’ll need to introduce transparent leadership within your organization. But what is it and how to ensure it?

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Zane Franke 22.12.2022

Should you support an employee with a side hustle?

Want to know the benefits of supporting your employee’s side gig and get some pointers on what boundaries to set to avoid potential conflict? Keep reading!

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Zane Franke 16.12.2022
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