DeskTime blog

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Time tracking by industry: who benefits most?

Let’s take a look at time tracking by industry. It comes as no surprise that some industries are keener than others to…

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Julia Gifford 12.02.2021
DeskTime top blog posts from 2020

DeskTime’s 10 most popular blogs from 2020

2020 has been a historical year and not always for the best reasons. One thing is crystal clear – we will never…

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Ieva Sipola 28.01.2021
Coffee productivity infographic

Coffee and productivity – a complicated affair [Infographic]

Every person has a special relationship with coffee. Some of us can’t start the day without their daily cup while for others…

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Ieva Sipola 1.10.2020
How to be a productivity ninja

How to Work like a Productivity Ninja: 8 Lessons from Graham Allcott

Graham Allcott is a productivity coach and consultant, and author of the book How to be a Productivity Ninja. He shares his lessons on how to structure your workday, set clear productivity goals, and find tools that foster productivity.

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Ieva Sipola 24.08.2020

Office workers don’t want to return to “normal”

Only one-fifth of surveyed individuals want to return to office-based working once social distancing restrictions end. Most employees would prefer a hybrid model combining both remote and office-based work.

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Julia Gifford 13.08.2020

Workplace Conflicts – Hurting More Than Just Productivity

Occasional workplace conflicts are almost inevitable as it’s an environment often full of potential triggers. In this article we explore the most common reasons and effects of workplace conflicts, and give some tips on dealing with such conflict situations in the wisest way possible.

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Krista Krumina 21.07.2020

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Worker productivity in 2019: most productive and unproductive countries

The most productive country of 2019 – Nicaragua. The least productive? The Czech Republic. See what else made it to the top!

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Krista Krumina 11.02.2020
shorter work days

Shorter workdays don’t affect employee productivity, DeskTime data shows

Employees who work six-hour workdays are just as productive as those who spend eight or more hours in the office.

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Krista Krumina 7.02.2020

Introverts or extroverts – who is more productive?

Which of the personality types is more productive – introverts or extroverts? This original research by DeskTime has the answer!

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Guest Author 3.12.2019

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